The ICF was established in 1924 in San Francisco, California. Today, the ICF reaches out to all Catholics, sharing our faith and heritage with them. The founders had a dream and with branches located throughout California, Illinois, Nevada and Arizona the ICF is keeping their dream alive.
The Italian Catholic Federation is a family oriented, non-profit, fraternal organization dedicated to promoting activities that build family spirit and bring men and women of all ages together. By joining local branch, ICF members share their culture, heritage and religious beliefs. Together we accomplish more than one can alone.
Enjoy the fellowship of other Catholics and their families. By praying and playing together, we enrich ourselves, strengthen our family and spiritual lives, and share our blessings with one another.
We are proud of our assistance to parishes, pastors and local communities. The ICF is an example of the laity’s participation in the apostolic mission of the Catholic Church.
Our Heritage Program informs and enlightens each new generation about the many contributions Italian Catholic men and women have made to our society.
The ICF offers prayers and monetary donations for the continuation of vocations and contributes to the education of young men training for the priesthood.
We award scholarships to elementary and high school students who are of the Catholic faith and grants to assist the developmentally disabled. Our Mario Cugia scholarship promotes Italian studies. We are a major supporter of the Cooley’s anemia research and treatment program at Oakland Children’s Hospital, and we sponsor an Organ Donor Awareness program.
The “Pope John XXIII Award” is presented annually to an outstanding lay person who best exemplifies the humanitarian qualities of this exemplary pope. We also honor a “Family of the Year” and a “Young Adult Leader” and bestow the “Grand President’s Award” and “Mother Teresa Award” for exceptional community service in the spirit of the ICF.
We welcome and extend our hearts to you. Enjoy with us Italian cuisine, pedro and bocce tournaments, potlucks, travel excursions, and other events which allow us to worship and socialize together as well as raise funds to support a range of worthwhile programs. We look forward to seeing you at our next ICF activity.
Our local ICF group meets every third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm in the Parish Center.