Invitation to First Holy Communion
The Catholic Church invites any baptized Catholic to receive First Holy Communion. Were you baptized in a non-Catholic Church? Were you baptized a Catholic, but missed first Holy Communion?
In baptism we are made God’s children,
in Confirmation we are drawn even more closely to Christ,
and in Eucharist we participate in the mystery of Christ’s dying and rising for the salvation of the world.
When we receive Eucharist, we receive Christ’s Body and Blood:
it is a sacrament of love and a sign of our unity with God and each other.
First Holy Communion completes the Sacraments of Initiation together with Baptism and Confirmation
Adults being baptized as Catholics receive first Holy Communion together with Baptism and Confirmation.
Non-Catholic Christians being received into the Catholic Church receive first Holy Communion after their profession of faith and Confirmation.
Catholic adults completing their initiation receive first Holy Communion after Confirmation.
How Long Does it take?
How long does it take an adult to be ready for first Holy Communion? The answer to this question is "it depends." Every journey in faith is individual. When an adult asks for first Holy Communion, his or her life experiences need to be taken into account. In those cases where a person has been participating in the Catholic faith, it may take a couple of months of preparation. In other cases where a person is new to the Catholic faith, it may take a year. Each person must discern her or his readiness with the help of the St Catherine parish initiation team.
As the Lord Jesus said, "Come and see."
Please contact the Faith Formation office at (408) 779-9604 for further information.